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The items listed below are some of the core themes, healing tools, insights, and new offerings that are 'hot' in my work and that I wish to highlight for you.


From the Core - 21-day journey

In this class, I will guide you closely to live from your loving shining heart, breaking free from the conditioned patterns that dictate our lives and shifting our focus from the mind to the heart. I will guide you in establishing a stable and long-lasting connection with your core, unraveling the fears instilled by societal programming.


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Master your Life - 7-month container

Work closely and privately with me on your self-mastery. If it's clear for you that you were born to master yourself and overcome the limitations of the Matrix, this program is tailored for you. Over the span of seven months, you'll be immersed in an exclusive energetic field focused on your self-mastery and rising beyond the illusions of our 3D world.


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Work your High Light

This comprehensive 3-month program is designed to support spiritual business entrepreneurs (healers, coaches, mentors, shamans, guides, etc...) who are looking to start or expand their businesses, clarify their heart-based business vision, or enhance their technical skills. It will support you to manifest your next level of presence as an entrepreneur offering heart-based services.


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Light language grids

Light Language is a shamanic healing modality that works with sacred geometry and color frequencies from the higher realms of Light. It allows to create Light activation grids that will fine tune and structure precise energies for your chakra system, your home place or office, or to improve any situation in your life (love, work, personal growth, relationships, etc


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colorful sacred geometry

Sexual energy flow

Sexual energy is basically your life force - and the same energy that allows you to exist and to be alive. It is also the energy that allows you to create. When it's not flowing properly inside you it is reflected directly in your external reality, therefore it is essential to give it special attention and care

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Heart reconnection

Many of us at some point in our lives choose to disconnect from our heart as a way to protect ourselves from pain and suffering. The disconnection may happen early in childhood (even as little babies) when we experience deep traumas or painful events - typically, emotional or physical abuse from one of our parents, sexual abuse, or during any event that makes us feel unsafe and insecure.

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heart reconnection

The rice experiment: witness the power of your emotions

The rice experiment is a very simple and powerful way of experimenting by yourself how the power of your intentions,  feelings, and emotions influences or impacts the material world and your body


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Balancing feminine and masculine energies

In today's world, the role of men and women is changing, and this is strongly affecting the individual balance of our masculine and feminine energies and the health of our intimate relationships

In your body, the right side harnesses your male energy in your life, while the left side harnesses your feminine energy...

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yin yang masculine feminine balance

Feminine power healing

This energetic treatment is for women who went through traumatic events in their life where their femininity was abused sexually and/or emotionally. When such traumatic events happen, they leave blockages and energetic imprints, especially on the root and sacral chakras, and more particularly on the genitals and the reproductive system. As a result, patterns in relationships - especially intimate relationships - appear in your life

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sacred feminine
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